Ber­nie goes to Rome – I

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Ber­nie goes to Rome – I
Sena­tor Ber­nie Sanders’s unex­pec­ted visit to the Vati­can where he spoke at a con­fe­rence on social and eco­no­mic jus­tice, was quite an unor­tho­dox cam­paign move, to say the least. But to address ‘immo­ral and unsustai­na­ble’ wealth ine­qua­lity and poverty issues in the heart of the Roman Catho­lic Church, well, that is a down­right tra­ve­sty. The Vati­can! Throug­hout its 2000 year his­tory the Catho­lic Church’s greed has been unmat­ched, and so have the viciously illegal methods it used and abu­sed to acquire all its accu­mu­la­ted wealth. 

The Sena­tor has brought ten mem­bers of his family to Rome. Since the Pon­ti­fex has no time to meet with them, they might as well take the oppor­tu­nity and spend some extra time at the Vati­can Muse­ums, seven kilo­me­ters of what often looks like a ware­house full of tas­te­les­sly piled sto­len goods. There, in this tem­ple of glut­tony, the San­ders Family will wit­ness what immo­ral and per­ver­ted wealth really looks like. Com­pa­red to the Musei Vati­cani Donald Trump’s $100 m. New York City apart­ment might appear to be a modest example of good taste.

On the other hand, the Insti­tute for the Works of Reli­gion, a.k.a. the Vati­can Bank, is as good a first case to study as any other if your ambi­tion is to break up the big banks. Next time we’ll take a clo­ser look the Holy Church’s finan­cial records.

Antony Oomen