Ber­nie goes to Rome – II

Ber­nie Goes to Rome – II     So His Holi­ness Pope Fran­cis briefly met with Sena­tor San­ders after all. ‘This mor­ning when I was lea­ving [to Greece ‑AO], Sena­tor San­ders was there, he had come to the con­ven­tion. He knew […]

Ber­nie goes to Rome – I

Ber­nie goes to Rome – I     Sena­tor Ber­nie Sanders’s unex­pec­ted visit to the Vati­can where he spoke at a con­fe­rence on social and eco­no­mic jus­tice, was quite an unor­tho­dox cam­paign move, to say the least. But to address ‘immo­ral […]