Fee­ling the Bust – IV‑a/b

Fee­ling the Bust – IV‑a/b     IV‑a Take Ber­nie Sanders’s long las­ting flirta­tion with Daniel Ortega in the ‘80s. San­ders was invi­ted to the seventh anni­vers­ary of the San­di­ni­sta Revo­lu­tion in Mana­gua. By his own boas­ting account, he was […]

Fee­ling the Bust – III

Fee­ling the Bust – III     Loot­ing Funds. Money Laun­de­ring. Fraud. These ludi­crous accu­sa­ti­ons were what Jeff Wea­ver came up with to ‘expose’ the Clin­ton cam­paign. Of course nothing illegal was expo­sed, it was just ano­ther low in the smear […]