Fee­ling the Bust – IV‑a/b

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— Geplaatst in columns, proza

Fee­ling the Bust – IV‑a/b

Take Ber­nie Sanders’s long las­ting flirta­tion with Daniel Ortega in the ‘80s. San­ders was invi­ted to the seventh anni­vers­ary of the San­di­ni­sta Revo­lu­tion in Mana­gua. By his own boas­ting account, he was the ‘hig­hest ran­king Ame­ri­can offi­cial pre­sent’ at this event and upon return he decla­red to be ‘impres­sed’ with the ‘intel­li­gence and sin­ce­rity’ of the San­di­ni­sta lea­ders, arguing that they were not the ‘poli­ti­cal hacks’ some had port­rayed them to be.

Those very intel­li­gent and sin­cere lea­ders of the San­di­ni­sta Nati­o­nal Libe­ra­tion Front had star­ted their revo­lu­tion with con­fis­ca­ting all Jewish pro­perty, after which they seques­te­red the only syna­go­gue in the nation, and expel­led what was left of the Jewish com­mu­nity of Nicaragua.

Hil­lary Clinton’s cam­paign never used this shit.

It’s Mother’s Day today so let’s talk about mothers and daugh­ters, mothers and sons, mothers and guns.

Let’s call your atten­tion to the 26-year-old Mil­wau­kee mother who was shot dead recently by her 2½ year old toddler, who ‘found’ a fire­arm in the car. Let’s remem­ber the six child­ren, their mother and her boy­friend in Hous­ton, Texas or the 28-year-old mother of two in Indi­ana­po­lis whose new hus­band shot her in the face 13 times. Let’s remem­ber them and all the other 13.000 peo­ple who have been kil­led in the Uni­ted Sta­tes in 2015 in a gun homi­cide, unin­ten­ti­o­nal shooting, or murder/suicide.

Let’s think about all the mothers left mourning and let’s grieve alongside with them. And most impor­tantly, let’s apo­lo­gize to them.

For most of these kil­lings should have been avoi­ded with decent restric­ted gun laws in place. And let’s ack­now­ledge that these laws are not in place due to the gun indu­stry and its powerful lobby machine, the Nati­o­nal Rifle Asso­ci­a­tion of Ame­rica, one of the top three most influ­en­tial lob­bying groups in Washington.

And let’s also ack­now­ledge that it was this very NRA that laun­ched Ber­nie Sanders’s poli­ti­cal career in Was­hing­ton in 1990.

A cou­ple of days before the 1990 Elec­tion Day the NRA sent a let­ter of endor­se­ment to its 12,000 mem­bers in Ver­mont, with an urgent piece of advice about the race for the state’s sin­gle House seat. Ber­nie San­ders was the more honou­ra­ble choice for Ver­mont sports­men, it said. And Ber­nie San­ders won over the gun rights groups by pro­mi­s­ing to oppose the bill they hated — a mea­sure that would esta­blish a wai­ting period for hand­gun sales. Being a man of inte­grity, as a Con­gress­man, he kept his promise.

Fine. That’s how poli­tics works. It’s a dirty busi­ness and Sen. San­ders knows it well. So that he voted five times against The Brady Hand­gun Vio­lence Pre­ven­tion Act, a.k.a. the Brady Bill, is not what I hold against him per se. Nor his vote to give gun manu­fac­tu­rers immu­nity. What I dislike is that he won’t own it. And what offends me is that he accepts that his fol­lo­wers con­des­cen­din­gly insult the mothers, fathers and fami­lies of the Sandy Hook vic­tims by accu­sing them of let­ting them­sel­ves be ‘exploi­ted by Hil­lary Clinton’.

And yes, Hil­lary Rod­ham Clin­ton, mom, grandma, women&kids advo­cate and future pre­si­dent of the Uni­ted Sta­tes of Ame­rica (if she doesn’t get shot, that is) did touch this shit in her over­all extra­or­di­nary civi­li­sed cam­paign, sim­ply because it’s rele­vant and veri­fia­bly true.

Antony Oomen