Let­ter to Sena­tor Ber­nie Sanders

( Deze brief werd op 1 novem­ber 2020 gepu­bli­ceerd op Medium )   Open (Final) Let­ter to Sena­tor Ber­nie San­ders     Dear Sena­tor San­ders, Two days before your country’s already nerve-wrac­­king pre­si­den­tial elec­tion, the day that Ame­ri­cans face the […]

Fee­ling the Bust – IV‑a/b

Fee­ling the Bust – IV‑a/b     IV‑a Take Ber­nie Sanders’s long las­ting flirta­tion with Daniel Ortega in the ‘80s. San­ders was invi­ted to the seventh anni­vers­ary of the San­di­ni­sta Revo­lu­tion in Mana­gua. By his own boas­ting account, he was […]

Fee­ling the Bust – I – II

Fee­ling the Bust – I – II     I The Ame­ri­can poli­ti­cal dis­course won’t cease to sur­prise and offend us. Its rhe­to­ric, the sha­me­les­sly show­ca­sed vanity, the blind hat­red, bla­tant miso­gyny and racism, it seems all so much more exaggerated, […]

Something’s Berning – I

Something’s Berning – I     Many of my friends ‘feel the Bern’. I don’t, but I don’t think one needs to feel much in order to observe poli­tics. I’d pre­fer a rati­o­nal appro­ach over an emo­ti­o­nal one. ‘But you have […]